Kids Say the Darndest Things

Something that comes to my mind the more we talk about the role of children in the Salem witch trials is how much kids today say they see or hear things while they are playing, or maybe things that scare them at night. The mind and imagination of a child can often be an adventurous representation of the way the child is adapting to or learning about the world around them. Many times the scary creaks of the house or the shadows on the wall manifest themselves in a child's mind that makes them think of ghosts or monsters are just a normal part of growth for a child. I'll be honest in saying that I still never look behind me after turning all the lights off in my house or apartment. People see things in the dark that can have detrimental effects on their psyche. It is common for kids to have 'imaginary friends' that they talk to to provide them with comfort. If parents try to say that their friend isn't real, the child often erupts into a strong defense of ...