Reaction to Salem the TV Series

     I watched the very first episode of Salem, and I must say, I was both surprised and fascinated by what I saw. I thought the episode did a good job setting the scene and establishing the main characters. I did find it interesting that Mary Sibley and John Alden were at the center of attention since I haven't read as much about these people as I have about those people that were the accusers and accused. However, I was happy that I recognized characters like Cotton Mather, Tituba, and Giles Corey. Right away, I realized that this show wasn't going to simply rely on rumors, mystery, and fairytale to create the hysteria surrounding the Salem Witch Trials. Instead, the show established early on that witchcraft would be a real thing, and depictions of Satan, the dead, familiars, and the connection between them all would drive the early depictions of witches in the show. A few things I liked was how Cotton Mather was written as an educated and knowledgeable character, but it appears as if he is misguided. He clearly thinks he knows about witches, and even preaches about the "war" between witches and Puritans over this new land in the episode, something that the real life person believed in. However, Mather is also depicted as a hypocrite and a sinner as he visits a brothel and delves into understanding the witches' connection with the Devil. Tituba also makes an appearance as a sort of mentor to Mary Sibley and a real practicing witch. It seems like she is the one pulling the strings and convinces Sibley to make a deal with Satan and become a witch at the beginning of the episode. I think the way that the show will handle the chaos and hysteria of the trials is by hiding the real witches that are actually pulling the strings (Mary Sibley, Tituba, Magistrate Hale, and others) and letting them lead Cotton Mathers and the other townspeople to make accusations against other people like those that are most suspicious of what they are actually doing. I can honestly say that I enjoyed the first episode and it makes me want to watch more to find out what will happen.


  1. Thanks for posting about Salem, the series. It seems like a merging of horror and witchcraft, though lacking in any historical accuracy. Glad you liked it.


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