For this blog post, I wanted to review all the witches we have talked about in our popular media presentations and decide which one would come out on top if we locked all of them in a confined space together. A little odd, I know, but I was inspired by talk on social media about which Big 12 mascot would win in a fight, so here we are. Here are the rules. I can only choose witches that were in our popular media presentations. My rankings are based off what powers they have shown in the films or tv shows, which as it turns out, really narrows down who the most powerful witches are. These are my opinions and I haven't seen all the movies or tv shows in their entirety, so these are definitely up for debate. This post will cover who I think are the top 3. Let's get started.
3. Coming in at third on my list is The White Witch from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005).
The White Witch, played by Tilda Swinton, from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005).
In the movie, we hear the story about how Jadis has the power to place Narnia under an eternal winter. That sounds pretty powerful to me. We also see her conjure food and drink with a potion of some sort, which leads me to believe she can conjure other items as well. She also proves she is an experienced combatant, as she wields her staff in battle and turns numerous creatures to stone throughout the movie. Her combat experience and her evil nature earns her a top 3 spot on my list.
2. Coming in at second on my list is Mallory from American Horror Story: Coven (2013).
Mallory from American Horror Story: Coven (2013).
I haven't actually seen any episodes of
American Horror Story: Coven, but when Victoria and Hallie did their presentation over the show, they did a great job of describing how powerful The Supreme is in the show. The Supreme is the most powerful witch that serves as the matriarch of the coven. There is only one per generation and they must pass the test of the Seven Wonders, meaning that they show they can perform telekinesis, concilium, descensum, transmutation, vitalum vitalis, pyrokinesis, and divination. That's a lot of power. In the show, Mallory passes the test of the Seven Wonders and becomes the Supreme of her generation. Her bloodline dates directly back to witches in Salem. Her raw power is so strong that the Anti-Christ shows fear of her. She is widely considered the strongest witch in the
American Horror Story universe. Pretty impressive.
1. So, after talking about how strong Mallory from American Horror Story is, you're probably wondering, "How can anyone top that?" Enter Sabrina Spellman from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018).
Sabrina Spellman from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018).
Sabrina Spellman is terrifying. She is only half witch, but even then, she has been described as the most powerful witch of her generation by Lilith in the show. Her list of powers is far too long to list here, but it includes pretty much all of the powers listed in the Seven Wonders from
American Horror Story plus resurrection, memory manipulation, demonic exorcism, and more. She is also one of only three witches ever in her universe to summon hellfire when she takes down the Greendale Thirteen. In the show, we basically see Sabrina take over hell. And for the record, I haven't seen
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina either, so I'm not biased. She's just that powerful.
I hope you enjoyed this blog. Let me know if you have any thoughts on if I missed something, and you think someone else should be ranked in the top 3!
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